BrookeTel TV



Play | Pause | Restart | Record

Experience TV in a new way!


Ways to Experience BrookeTel TV


Multiple Streams

Watch on up to 5 devices simultaneously.

Restart TV

Running late? Watch you favorite shows from the beginning. *

Catch-up TV

Missed your must-watch-TV? Catch up to 72 hours of programming. *

Watch TV Everywhere

Watch you shows on the go with Watch TV Everywhere. *

*Qualifying channels only.

Smart TV App

Sign Up or Reset Login for the BrookeTel TV  APP on your FireTV, iOS or Android device HERE.

Channel Brochure

For a printable Channel Brochure click HERE.


Service Availability

Enter your address to see if our services are available where you are.

To check wireless service availability please call our office at 519-844-2160